Thursday, June 5, 2008

Weeks 5 & 6

Thing #10

Playtime has been fun. I "cruised" all the sites. The ones I used and really liked were Sign Generator and Image Chef. Both images on the blog were done through these sites. With my French II and French III classes, I was able to use both of them. The kids loved them. They chose a picture and used the bubbles to write in their captions in the target language. They later presented their "work". It was a fun and learning activity. These image generator sites will enhance the power point presentations I use in the classroom. I HAVE TO ADMIT, I'M HAVING FUN!

Thing # 11

From the list, I selected Mango Languages. I could not access the site due to restrictions placed on the school computer. It looks interesting. From what I saw, it will work for educational purposes in the classroom. When I get home, I'll check it out and I'll add to this part of the blog. I got the chance the view Mango Language. It was average. As as classroom tool, it would be helpful to review certain concepts. Unfortunately, it is not free.

I explored Ning. I joined the group. I saw recipes and how to videos. In our department, we consider food as being an important aspect of a country's culture. This site could very well be used as a teaching tool. On a personal level, I enjoyed surfing it. I got a Classic French Vinaigrette recipe that I'll prepare this weekend. It was simple and looked delicious.

TravelIQ was also a site that may be used in the target language class. Besides having the "quizzes" it had images of places around the world. This site will be the perfect visual aid for all the classes in our department.

Thing #12.

I explored and created a rollyo. This is another excellent tool. I tried to do the optional section but could not figure out how to do it. I asked two people for help but they did not know what to do either. I continued playing with "rollyo" and feel a bit more comfortable. I registered and chose various links related to the classes I teach. I wonder if I am going to remember everything I have learned. Will I remember the names of all the sites and what they are for? I'll try to print each page from this point on as I continue to learn.

Thing # 13
I viewed the tutorial. It was out of focus but could still be understood. This could also be used for the classes I teach. I set up a blog for French class. I found information here that the students could easily access. I found an awesome verb conjugation site. The only reservation I am having as this point is that I am getting all the information mixed up. I cannot remember what I did where. I'll have to revisit some of these sites to untangle my mental mess.

Thing # 14

Thechnorati seemed similar to the other sites. As I perused the information available at "school library learning 2.0", I saw again how useful it is to have all the information in one place. I liked how it had relevant and specific videos lined up . Claiming my own blog would be beneficial . However, I am confused as to how this works. I know what is meant by claiming my own log but how can I related this or attach it to Technorati. I think I have reached my personal "information overload mode." I wish I could talk to someone..and I mean TALK. I am the type of learner that needs to bounce ideas around. Writing it helps but not enough for me. I know I may sound extremely old-fashioned. This is how my brain works. Do not take me wrong. I want to learn but I feel I can really run with this if I could sit down with a knowledgeable person. In this manner I can ask questions (sometimes really logical ones). Glad I got this off my chest!!! I will continue to try and learn as much as I can via the computer. I do not think I could ever take an Online degree. Am I born in the wrong century?

Thing # 15

To be very honest, I did not know what Library 2.o existed before taking the course. My field of expertize is in the classroom and I am not familiarized with libraries as a specialist would be. An idea I found interesting and pertaining to the times we are living, deals with the fact that library services have evolutionized. I agree that its services should be integrated into our every day life, work, study and play time. I believe that the library has been incorporated into the classroom. Technology has allowed the teacher to take a "library on wheels" into the classroom.The use of computers and of course the Internet have revolutionized the world of learning , research and teaching.

After reading some of the articles, The ideas of the 3D library and the 4.0 neo-library experience go hand in hand with the comments previously mentioned. The article that mentioned the 3 iceburgs that can pull back moving into the new concept of libraries were quite accurate. Today, I see the library as being a more "active" place.


ESC1 said...

You have come a long way since the beginning!

Nonny said...

I also like to bounce ideas off of someone. I'm sure we can so some of that next year!